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Day 1

On Day 1 we traveled from Boise to a camp on the Columbia River just west of Hood River, Oregon. En route, we visited The Dalles Dam.

Pictures: Click on the pictures below to see the full-size version.

Lexie & Jessica w/ The Dalles Dam behind.
Mount Hood from the banks of the Columbia.
Me with my parents near camp.

Day 2

On Day 2 we drove from our camp near Hood River to Portland and on to Nehalem Bay State Park. We stopped at Multnomah Falls en route.


Upper Multnomah Falls.
Lower Multnomah Falls.
The beach very near our camp site.
Neahakahnie Mountain (I later climbed the mtn) from the beach near camp.

Day 3

On Day 3 we drove from Nehalem Bay south to Tillamook and Cape Meares. In Tillamook, we visited the cheese factory. At Cape Meares we visited a lighthouse. On the way back we stopped in Garibaldi for a look at the marina and some fresh seafood.


Cape Meares from Garibaldi.
Sign at Cape Meares.
The smallish Cape Meares lighthouse.
Looking south from Cape Meares.
Garibaldi marina.
Garibaldi marina again.
Lexie on the beach near our camp at sunset.
Grass and drifting sand on Nehalem Beach.

Day 4

On Day 4 we drove from Nehalem Bay north to Cannon Beach. Along the way, we found the really neat recreation site of Hug Point, where we ran around cliffs when the waves went out to access several secluded areas nearby. In Cannon Beach we shopped and walked the beach, visiting Haystack Rock on 2 occassions. Haystack Rock is the 3rd highest "sea stack" in the world.


Waterfall near Hug Point.
Hug Point.
Cannon Beach.
Haystack Rock.

Day 5

On Day 5 we went crabbing near the head of Nehalem Bay. It was hard work, but we netted 4 dungeness crabs by days end.


Crabs in the crab ring.
Our first keeper (male and wider than 5 3/4").
The girls playing around at the fishing store.
Seals just across the bay from us (love that zoom!).

Day 6

On day 6, we left Nehalem Bay and headed to Fort Stevens State Park in the far northwest corner of Oregon. It was a long day, as I hiked up Neahkahnie Mountain at 6AM. En route to Fort Stevens, we stopped by Seaside and hung out at the beach.


Nehalem Bay area from early in my hike.
Nehalem Bay area from near the top of Neahkahnie Mountain.
The view southeast from Neahkahnie Mountain.
The area around the summit of Neahkahnie Mountain.
Trail used to get up Neahkahnie Mountain.
Seaside beach.
Lexie & Jess as mermaids on the beach.
Looking north toward the mouth of the Columbia River.
Fort Stevens sunset with shipwreck in foreground.
Fort Stevens sunset again.

Day 7

On Day 7 we woke to rain. It rained hard through the night and quit just before we got out of the tent trailer. Hmm... so that's how all those trees got so big! On this day we visited the mouth of the Columbia River and Fort Clatsop near Astoria. This is a rendition of the fort that Lewis and Clark stayed at during their winter stay in the Pacific northwest. The fort is at or near the original fort's location.


The mouth of the Columbia River.
Fort Clatsop.
Lexie and Jess in Sacajewea's sleeping quarters.
Dugout canoes similar to those used by Lewis and Clark.

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Last Updated:02/20/2021 15:38:01